Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle Blog
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Hello and welcome to my blog
I pour my heart and thoughts here!

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Don't let anyone ever dull your SPARKLE. Just remember that you are B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L.
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Basecode : PikaChan
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Getting To Know Me

 Hello everyone! My name is Yuliya or Julia Kizyma. What has drove me into starting my own blog is wanting to share my experiences and certain things in life, and I would be lying if I told you that I wasn't inspired by anyone to start this blog. People like Zoe Sugg aka "Zoella" and Tanya Burr really inspired me and I hope that this blog is going to be helpful to you and entertain you.

And of course I want to tell you a little bit about myself. I go to school and desperately wait for summer break to come as a typical teenager does, but I also play piano and take private classes two times a week for about five years now. I enjoy playing certain sports such as volleyball and despite that I love experimenting with makeup, trying out new hairstyles, baking/cooking and from time to time watching youtubers. I also like rainy days, hot tea, spending time with my family/friends, and soap operas in my native language such as- Сваты, Воронины, Моя прекрасная няня, and Папины дочки. Enjoy reading my blog and please comment and share with your friends and family. Enjoy! Best to you all, Yuliya x